3 books by Eric Carle (9/30/15)

Posted on October 1st, 2015 in 1000 books b4 6, reading story by admin

Three great books by Eric Carle

The Very Busy Spider.  Read by teacher Mindy at preschool. There was another book read at school but I forgot its name and even its story.

The Very Lonely Firefly and A House for Hermit Crab. Read after dinner.

1000 Books Before 6

Posted on October 1st, 2015 in 1000 books b4 6, reading story by admin

A new program at Santa Clara County Library: 1000 Books Before 6. 六岁之前读1000本书.


1. 关于重复读一本书. 重复读同一本书对于小孩子的语音学习非常重要. 因此如果同一本书读5次, 就算作5本书记在读书记录上.

2. 关于语言. 任何语言都可以.

3. 关于时间地点. 任何时间, 任何地点, 学校, 家, 图书馆等, 不管是谁讲的, 只要小孩子听完了一本书, 就可以记在读书记录上.

按我们目前的读书状态, 希望一年能完成1000本.