姥爷, 你头上的毛毛哪里去了
姥爷剪头发的时候小神奇明明充满好奇地在一边看着. 可是睡一觉起来, 看到姥爷光光的明亮的头, 第一句话就是: 姥爷, 你头上的毛毛哪里去了?
姥爷剪头发的时候小神奇明明充满好奇地在一边看着. 可是睡一觉起来, 看到姥爷光光的明亮的头, 第一句话就是: 姥爷, 你头上的毛毛哪里去了?
今天出去吃饭, 临近尾声的时候发现小神奇又在跟人互动, 并且似乎已经进行一会儿了, 我跟爸爸都没有注意到.
然后就听见女的指着小神奇对他旁边的男士说: This is my new boyfriend.
OMG! 这才带他出来几天啊, 他不仅展示了自己超强的social skills, 竟然这么快就收获了一个女朋友.
我们夫妻俩都是这么老实巴交的孩子, 这小神奇到底是像谁啊?
I just saw two movies of his. He played two different guys with a tad of resemblance.
In Cyrus, he is a weird, 22 years old, raised by and now is living with his single mom, Molly. He is not happy with the fact that Molly is seeing some guy, especially when he realizes something serious is happening between Molly and this guy. His performance is hilarious, although he is quite serious. No fake laughing, no yelling, no screaming, no stupid act which all often happen in a comedy. Natural and reasonable.
In Moneyball, he is a fresh Harvard graduate with a economics degree. As you can see, he is kind of shy. He seems to be nervous when he talks to his boss. He doesn’t know what to say to fire a player and how to say it. He feels very relived when he tells a player he was transfered to anther team and the player takes it calmly. Again, no exaggerating in his performance, but there is a quiet power. It’s like the sea. It looks peaceful but there are waves coming continuously.
Yes, he is Jonah Hill.
As an actor, the best chance for him should be the Best Actor in a Supporting Role. Just after I wrote down these words, I googled him. It seemed he was already nominated for this prize by the performance in Moneyball. Well, no surprise for me.
Lucky enough, he could win an Oscar in a leading role. That means, first of all, he needs a role that fits him well; second of all, a good screenplay and a good director; most importantly, there must be a producer who trusts him to let him play the leading role. Easier to say.
Wish him good luck.
有次等着打针的间隙,无聊得东瞟西瞟,忽然看到这个:B超室,Super B Room.
现在想来,他们的药房不知道写的什么:Drug Room or Medicine Room? 总之应该不是Pharmacy.
发生在不久前的故事.我跟朋友约好在星巴克见面.之前来过好多次了.那天鬼使神差点了杯iced vanilla latte,天知道那天根本不热.
接下来服务员问我:What’s ice?
我心想:well, ok. I don’t know what you mean. 窃以为她没听懂,再点一遍:iced vanilla latte.
服务员继续: What’s ice?
我困惑状:Sorry, what?
服务员继续: What’s ice?
我心想:I have no clue at all what you’re talking about. 只能继续Sorry.
服务员无奈,开始拿着杯子比划: What’s ice? Small, medium or large?
我终于恍然大悟,搞了半天她是问我:What size?
某男粗通英文,至使馆,有表要填,有一栏是 sex。
该男思之久已,毅然下笔:「Once a week。」
簽证官观后暴笑,曰:「This item should be filled in with male or female!」
官楞之,曰:「Shouldn’t it be male?」
男急释曰:「I am a normal man, so I have sex with female。」
1. Zoie现在两岁半,会说三种语言。英语学了简单的单词,例如数数和颜色等。普通话和上海话则非常流利,已经达到了一般沟通能力(不要谈过于深刻的思想问题)。
2. Zoie绝对是人见人爱花见花开的宇宙超级无敌霹雳美少女。妙就妙在虽然长得跟爸爸一模一样,但是平时却又感觉不到一点她老爸it民工猥琐男的影子。每次看到她可爱的模样,再一回头看见她老爸,真是让人感慨惊叹!
3. Zoie绝大多数的时候很乖,但是也不是没有脾气,倔起来的时候也是九头牛都拉不回来的那种。妈妈在很多时候会教导她有些事情不可以做,她虽然不乐意听,但也还是都记下来了,在她的兔子玩具不乖的时候她也会以妈妈的口气告诉兔兔说:这个不可以。
4. 我问Zoie有没有朋友,她说有。问都有谁,她说有Elaine姐姐,还有Lina阿姨。听得我心花怒放的。
5. Zoie喜欢pink的颜色,也喜欢吃蛋糕。妈妈买了一块pink的蛋糕给她,她当然开心的不得了。我们逗她让她分一块给我吃,她说不。后来因为到车上给她脱衣服,所以妈妈说服她将蛋糕交给我保管一下。她递给我蛋糕的同时,一脸认真的对我说:阿姨,你不要吃啊。我一下子笑喷。
6. Zoie在公园玩碰到小哥哥说英语,她听不懂,问妈妈:小哥哥说什么。妈妈告诉她小哥哥说的是英文,以后她长大也会说的。从此之后,Zoie发明了一种叽里咕噜的语言,在她想说英语的时候就来上一长串。
7. Zoie很可能很快要上幼儿园了。Zoie的妈妈很重视对Zoie的教育,因此迟迟决定不了到底上哪家幼儿园。
8. 我有点担心以后Zoie上学之后开始猛撂英语,加上她以后的生活可能超出我的理解范围,那么我们俩的友情之花可能就要慢慢枯萎了。也许会有人提醒她,当她小的时候,有这么一个阿姨跟她特别要好,但我知道她可能不会记得。虽然会有点遗憾,但她总要长大,交同龄的知己和闺密,过自己的生活。做一个普通的她都不会想起的阿姨,看着她过自己的精彩生活也很好。
9. Zoie的妈妈让我第一次看到了一个实施爱和教育的全职妈妈,她通过Zoie第一次向我展示了,适当的教育方式下真的可以有不无理取闹的孩子,有孩子的幸福也许真的远远超过有孩子的累和辛苦,而我以前梦想的教育和家庭模式也真的可以实现。第一次真的有点心向往之。
An old cowboy sat down at the Starbucks and ordered a cup of coffee.
As he sat sipping his coffee, a young woman sat down next to him.
She turned to the cowboy and asked, ‘Are you a real cowboy?’
He replied, ‘Well, I’ve spent my whole life breaking colts, working
cows,going to rodeos, fixing fences, pulling calves,bailing hay, doctoring calves,cleaning my barn, fixing flats, working on tractors, and feeding my dogs,so I guess I am a cowboy.’
She said, ‘I’m a lesbian. I spend my whole day thinking about women. As
soon as I get up in the morning, I think about women.When I shower, I
think about women.When I watch TV, I think about women. I even think
about women when I eat. It seems that everything makes me think of
The two sat sipping in silence.
A little while later, a man sat down on the other side of the old cowboy and asked, ‘Are you a real cowboy?’
He replied, ‘I always thought I was, but I just found out that I’m a